Upcoming Events 

Jan. 22: Mini NFO

Jan. 29: Faculty Working Team

Feb. 7: Spring In-Service (see info below)

Feb. 19: Instructional Coaching Workshop

Watch your email and the PD Newsletter (pd@greatheartsamerica.org) for more information on these events and more!

Spring In-Service: 

The Spring In-Service event is on Friday afternoon, February 7th. This event is a time set aside for leisure to learn!

Registration for in-service is now closed. If you have not yet signed up, please email pd@greatheartsamerica.org immediately.

The catalog of events and campus information is here, for reference. Detailed emails about the event you chose go out the week of January19. Please check you Great Hearts inbox.

Send any questions to pd@greatheartsamerica.org.